
自從教書以來,在大學、補習班、家教、企業公司內訓課程也教了不少課程。俗話說得好: 「教學相長」,與其說學生從我這兒學到東西,不如說我也從他們的上課反應及教學成效一直調整自己的教學方式、技巧及態度。

為了更加了解學員們上課的心得及學習所遇到的問題,特在此開放這個頁面,歡迎上過我教授課程的學員們踴躍分享心得或感想 (好的壞的都可以寫哦),讓我能教得更專業、更有效率囉!

建議大家分享心得時,可點選本篇文章下方的 Post a Comment 或左上方的「意見」字樣,接下來依照畫面右方的說明文字依序輸入相關資訊即可。但提醒大家,可別忘了敘明你的「英文姓名」、當初上的「課程名稱」及「來自哪裡」等相關資訊哦!在此先謝謝大家的回饋!



18 意見:

  1. Gary is one of the most creative teachers I have ever met in class. He opened my eyes to experience another interesting way of teaching/learning English. I believe you will enjoy his courses as well as I did! It is never late to join his class. Have fun!

  2. 從工業會開始認識Gary至今差不多有一年半囉~在工業會時就覺得"這老師好認真喔""上課又不無聊""跟同學互動蠻多的"所以工業會後~很多跟我有同樣想法的人就拜託他繼續來教導我們英文~至今我們的英文課也持續到第二年囉!!每次上課Gary都很用心的準備講義及內容~真的非常感謝!!未來建議可以給同學更多no chinese的課程~強迫同學多多開口~
    Alice Lee

  3. 和Alice一樣,有幸在工業會及每週一晚上讓Gary教導英文,老師的教學非常活潑又認真,對不同程度的同學會有難易不一的互動模式,對程度不好的同學而言,這是多麼大的鼓勵,由此可見Gary真的很細心,真的很感謝你的教導喔^^未來也請多多指教!
    Nicole Chang

  4. 很感謝MICKEY給我GARY上課的資訊,我有很有幸的可以在我們這樣的鄉下地方,上到很受用又能能夠練習開口英會課!對英文會話,就是知道很爛…可是又不知道從何去準備起…畢竟會話還是得一個以上的巴掌才打得響丫!喜歡上GARY的課是可以利用聊天的方式來學英文會話…讓自已開始不會怕開說英語,也比較不怕聽不懂該怎麼辦,搞得自已緊張兮兮,至少對我這種狀況有相當大的改善了!現在班上的同學至少都敢開口用英文跟其他的同學開玩笑了!GARY是個很好的引導者,加上超認真的態度,對每一個同學總是鼓勵多說英文…甚至用英文聊聊自已的生活、說說話…都會讓我覺得少上一堂課都覺得很可惜…因為也是我喜歡上這堂課的原因…可以學到在英會以外的其他知識… GARY 有您真好~~~謝謝您的好耐性咧!!! I am serious.

  5. 當JOENCE約我去上英文口說課時,我很興奮也很期待,因為ㄧ直想讓自己的口說更好更流利,上了幾堂課下來發現我學到很多,口說的能力也漸漸在進步, Gary老師很認真也很親切,每次上課前會先問我們假日過得如何?或在課程中問我們對問題的想法?在聊天討論的過程中,試著用英文表達我們的想法並且能夠認識更多單字和用法,當我們用錯文法時,Gary會提醒我們,並在讓我們重新講一次以增加印象,因為老師的用心準備,每一次的上課內容都很豐富、很精采,而在上課輕鬆之餘並可提升我們的英文能力,所以我們都上的很開心到渾然忘我,才知道下課時間已經到了,然後再期待下ㄧ次的上課,最後我想要感謝Gary的用心付出和對教學的熱忱給我們最棒的課程和學習機會,I am so lucky to be your student and you are the best teacher of mine. Thanks a lot.

  6. For me, Gary's English class is the most relax thing after whole day works.
    I just listen, remember then use it.

    Today, I watch movie" love happens". The actor say " live a little".
    I remember Gary teach it.
    I can understand it and use it.
    Sally Fang

  7. I have been taking Gary’s “Paid English Courses” since March this year. What I have chosen is a “one on one” course on Skype for one and half hour once a week. My learning goals are to focus on my English speaking and listening skills. Gary has designed a personalized course for me. And, obviously, this is a good and an efficient way to learning English on the net. Now, I would like to share the learning feelings with you.

    1、Save time and money(省錢又省時間): I just need to log onto the Internet at home or anywhere with relaxation as long as I have a computer beside me. I don’t have to drive a car or ride a motorcycle to the class. It can save much of my time and gasoline expense. Time is money.
    2、Efficient(效率高): To suit my needs, improve my weaknesses and reinforce my advantages, Gary designed a personalized course for me. He corrects my pronunciations and talks with me through the headset. It’s very clear and direct. I can correct my errors and get much from the class. Especially, American intonation, slang and the usages of colloquial American English. I hope I can talk in English with others someday without any problems.
    3、Fun(有趣的): Gary is a humorous person. His teaching is lively, active, and interesting. I always feel fun in class.

    Finally, I would like to thank Gary. Please let me say” Gary, you are a great teacher. Thank you so much”.

    Sarah from Tounan

  8. 我是在就讀雲科大大三時選修Gary商用英文導讀的學生,這門課是眾多選修課中,很有回憶的課程之一。



  9. i thinks so the teacher Gary teaching is good ! But the session is too short time !

    The business English you can learn more from Gary seesion!

    But the professional common sense
    is not enough is need to read some technical magizine

  10. 認真負責的好老師!上您的課一定會有所收穫的!

  11. I was not only Gary's student but also his assistant in Yuntech. Gary is an interesting teacher in class and a mentor in life. Here are some points of view about his class and his excellent personalities.
    First, classes are the most practical and functional because of his multiple professional fields, such as teaching, travelling, and business. Therefore, students can learn kinds of knowledge in classes. Second, he always adjusts his teaching skills and content of courses from students' feedback to make sure that every student can follow up his tempo and courses are suitable to students. Last, the most important one, Gary always be the best friends to students. He always shares his experience to answer questions in class or problems in life.
    As his student, assistant, even as a friend, I have to say that Gary is an amazing guy: Best teacher in class, generous boss in work, and " glad to have you" friend.
    Thanks Gary!!!!!

  12. 我是在公司辦理的英語會話班認識Gary的,老師課程准備豐富,教學認真,鼓勵大家多開口說英語,就算是文法錯誤也無彷,老師還會結合時事,新聞,進行教學,分享學習英語及旅遊及人生的經驗,收獲不少。

  13. 真材實料,一試成主顧!

  14. 虎尾人的驕傲
    課程雖然也些小挑戰 但確可以讓你的英文程度大大提升
    老師不止善解人意 還會配合學生上課講台語
    最重要的是 只要你有問題 不管老師人在哪裡
    傳賴或是打電話 他都會馬上回覆您 真的 我有試過好幾次

  15. 我在虎科大上過Gary的英文簡報,語言測驗等課程,Gary對待學生是亦師亦友,學生看待Gary是益師益友,Gary的教學態度也從不打折,只能說古有孔Johnny,今有Gary Chang啊

  16. 奇怪了最近一直po文但就是上不去 再試一次看看~
    Gary is my best respect teacher,why? His teaching course is very living not dull.He also very polite to his students, so I hope I will become his student some other time.

  17. 持續上了Gary老師的英文課,將近2年半。 老師在一開始和我們討論學習目標,確定是以口說練習為主,上了幾堂課之後,老師會針對我們的文法較弱的部份,時不時增加練習,也會補充時事英文和流行口語用法。 去年暑假,在老師參加了CELTA英語教學課程回來之後,每次上課都覺得很忙--忙著練習英文,有時是聽同學說英文,之後輪到自己說英文,有時候是練習快速做筆記。老師很用心規劃教學流程,除了聽英文,也會設計多道題目,增加挑戰性,提升學習樂趣。真的很謝謝老師,上了老師的課之後才發現原來學習英文可以這麼有趣、實用。

  18. 虎科大應用外語進修時,Gary 老師的英文會話能力令人相當驚艷,全程一口流利的英文會話教學,很推薦的英文老師👍