
夏天到了,吃冰真的是能消暑透心涼呀! 如果能來碗下面這樣子的冰,豈不是人生一大樂事呢!

(1) 仙草凍
(2) 紅豆
(3) 薏仁
(4) 芋圓
(5) 地瓜圓(球)
(6) 芋頭

(1) 仙草凍 = grass jelly
(2) 紅豆 = red beans
(3) 薏仁 = pearl barley = Job's tears
(4) 芋圓 = taro balls
(5) 地瓜圓(球) = sweet potato balls
(6) 芋頭 = taro 


A: 這是什麼? 看起來好好吃!
B: 這是我家鄉特產! 如同你看到的,這是仙草冰沙! 上面配料有紅豆、仙草、薏仁、芋圓、地瓜球、芋頭。看起來色彩豐富而且美味!
A: 是呀! 但我猜這個一定很貴!
B: 沒有耶! 這個只要台幣40元而已。
A: 真假? 
B: 如假包換!
A: 這也太便宜了吧! 我來一客吧!


A: What is this? It looks so tasty.
B: It's the specialty in my hometown. As you can see, this is grass jelly smoothie. The toppings are red beans, grass jelly, pearl barley, taro balls, sweet potato balls, and taro. It looks colorful and yummy.
A: It does. But I bet it must be costly (expensive).
B: Not really. It only costs NT$40.
A: Are you serious? (Are you kidding?) (Are you kidding me?)
B: I'm dead serious. (I kid you not.)
A: What a bargain! I'll take one of those.

想知道去哪兒可以吃到這碗冰好吃的消暑甜點嗎? 看看我之前寫的這篇文章就知道囉!

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