從12/19 開始至12/25 我會在此每天與大家分享一首我喜愛的「耶誕歌曲」,錯過前面幾首好歌的朋友,可以至下面的【延伸閱讀】點選前幾篇文章的連結哦!

今天要跟大家分享的是很精典的耶誕歌曲,那就是由 Frank Sinatra 所演唱的 I'll be home for Christmas。這首歌的前奏一下就是Silent Night,讓人很明顯就感受到耶誕夜即將到來。對許多人而言,耶誕節就像華人的農曆過年一樣重要,是闔家團圓的日子,所以在如此重要的節日如果無法回家,那一定是「每逢佳節倍思親」的心情。而這首歌在 Frank Sinatra 充滿感情的歌聲中,真的給人一種思鄉之情。雖然 Michael Buble 有 Frank Sinatra 接班之稱,也有演唱這首歌,但我個人還是比較喜歡 Frank Sinatra 的版本。在此將這首歌推薦給大家,希望大家也會喜歡!

1. Frank Sinatra 版本

2. Michael Buble 版本

I'll be home for Christmas

I'll be home for Christmas
You can plan on me
Please have snow and mistletoe
And presents 'neath the tree

Christmas eve will find me
Where the love light gleams
I'll be home for Christmas
And you'll be in my dreams

I'll be home this Christmas, darling
I'll be coming home to you
And there's nothing in the world
Gonna get in my way

I'll be home for Christmas
You can plan on me
Please have snow
And mistletoe
And presents 'neath the tree

Christmas eve will find me
Where the love light gleams
I'll be home for Christmas
And you'll be in my dreams
I'll be home for Christmas
Till then you'll be in my dreams

1. Jingle Bells by Michael Buble (featuring the Puppini Sisters)
2. Grown Up List by Kelly Clarkson
3. Feliz Navidad by Michael Buble duet with Thalia
4. When Christmas comes around by Matt Terry
5. O Holy Night by Josh Groban

喜歡今天的文章嗎? 快將這篇文章分享給好友吧!

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