從12/19 開始至12/25 我會在此每天與大家分享一首我喜愛的「耶誕歌曲」,錯過前面兩首好歌的朋友,可以至下面的【延伸閱讀】點選前兩篇文章的連結哦!
今天要跟大家分享的是一首全新的歌曲,這首歌是 2016年的英國歌唱選秀節目 The X Factor 新出爐的冠軍 Matt Terry 於今年所推出的單曲,歌名是When Christmas Comes Around. 這首歌超級有才華的 Ed Sheeran 所撰寫,是 The X Factor 節目史上第二位冠軍選手出原創單曲(以前的冠軍大多是重新演譯別人的歌曲),而這次單曲銷售的收入將捐給 Together for Short Lives 及 Shooting Star CHASE 這兩個慈善機構,很有意義!
這首歌並不如大部分耶誕歌曲那麼的歡樂,它的歌詞敘述一個失戀的人的心情,因為犯了一些錯與戀人分手的後悔心情,在耶誕節前夕他無法跟大家一起唱歡樂的耶誕歌曲,所以只能演唱這首 When Christmas Comes Around 的心情。
Ed Sheeran 所寫的歌曲風格就是如此的流暢但節奏又多變化,雖然是抒情歌曲,但配上 Matt Terry 那充滿感情的嗓音,賦予這首歌淡淡的憂愁,也是我想跟大家推薦這首歌的原因,希望大家也會喜歡這首歌! 如果大家有推薦的耶誕歌曲,也歡迎與我分享哦!
1. 純聲音版
2. The X Factor 現場演唱版
When Christmas Comes Around
Winter days, turn to grey, put the headlights on...
Snow and rain, wiped away, I can't keep my eyes on the road
When I'm driving home, I got tears, running down
Burning in my eyes and you and I
Heated by the flicker of a lighter
Oh, and I let it go
But I just got here
I know it's been a while darling, dear
There's been a change in the time of year
When the frost bites the snow
And Christmas comes around
For the down and outs
And broken lay-abouts
What will they do now?
When Christmas comes around
We were so in love
Till I messed it up
But who will love me now
When Christmas comes around
Family asking me, why I let you go
Telling me, its a mistake
I'm telling them that I know
But I can't call you
Your inner space, better place
Loving on a new man
I don't blame you at all
You did all that you can, I know
But I just got here
I know it's been a while darling, dear
There's been a change in the time of year
When the frost bites the snow
And Christmas comes around
For the down and outs
And broken lay-abouts
What will they do now?
When Christmas comes around
We were so in love
Till I messed it up
But who will love me now
When Christmas comes around
And, I'm sick of all the songs
The Christmas sing-alongs
The merry and the cheer
But I don't feel like that this year
All the bells are all in sync
And my soul is on the brink
So I'll have myself a drink, and sing
When Christmas comes around
For the down and outs
And broken lay-abouts
What will they do now?
When Christmas comes around
We were so in love
Till I messed it up
But who will love me now
When Christmas comes around
Will you love me now
When Christmas comes around
1. Jingle Bells by Michael Buble (featuring the Puppini Sisters)
2. Grown Up List by Kelly Clarkson
3. Feliz Navidad by Michael Buble duet with Thalia
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