- 05/30/2010
上課主題: do the right thing - 05/23/2010
上課主題: helping others - 05/16/2010
上課主題: friends and lovers - 05/02/2010
上課主題: a reward or a bribe - 04/25/2010
上課主題: taking care of old parents - 04/18/2010
上課主題: for the sake of the children - 04/11/2010
上課主題: relationship (He's just not that into you) - 3/28/2010
上課主題: any volunteers - 3/21/2010
上課主題: Avatar - 3/14/2010
上課主題: reading books - 3/7/2010
上課主題: tanning - 2/28/2010
上課主題: the Lantern Festival,但因未有學生預約上課,停課一次。 - 02/21/2010
上課主題: Chinese New Year - 02/07/2010
上課主題: living at home - 01/24/2010
上課主題: in your dreams - 01/17/2010
上課主題: cash or card - 01/10/2010
上課主題: psychic reading - 12/27/2009
上課主題: New Year resolutions - 12/20/2009
上課主題: Christmas plans - 12/13/2009
上課主題: rainbow underground - 12/06/2009
上課主題: love online - 11/29/2009
上課主題: siblings - 11/22/2009
上課主題: Thanksgiving - 11/15/2009
上課主題: insomnia - 11/08/2009
上課主題: losing weight - 11/01/2009
上課主題: layoffs - 10/28/2009
SONG TIME 課程: 一起學唱 "Nothing's gonna change my love for you" - 10/25/2009
上課主題: All about Halloween - 10/18/2009
上課主題: Being late - 10/11/2009
上課主題: Friends with your ex - 10/04/2009
上課主題: What would you do with a million dollars? - 09/27/2009
上課主題: Dogs vs. Cats - 09/20/2009
上課主題 : making a return - 09/16/2009
Song Time 歌曲: True Colors by MYMP - 09/13/2009
上課主題: all about weather (Part 2) - 09/06/2009
上課主題: all about weather(Part 1) - 08/30/2009
上課主題: trip to Boracay - 08/16/2009
上課主題: advice columns - 08/09/2009
上課主題: adoption(Part 2) - 08/02/2009
上課主題: adoption(Part 1) - 07/26/2009
課程主題為 jetlag - 07/21/2009
SONG TIME 課程一起學唱 MJ的 Heal the World - 07/19/2009討論 Fourth of July(Part 2)
- 07/12/2009討論 Fourth of July (Part 1)
- 06/21/2009及07/05/2009討論 MJ (Michael Jackson)
- 06/07/2009及06/14/2009
課程主題為: All about Puns & Jokes - 05/31/2009
主題: Introduce Your Department - 05/27/2009SONG TIME課程因故暫停一次
- 05/24/2009及 05/17/2009主題: Ask for and Give Directions
- 04/07/2009
自即日起, Gary的課程上課人數限制由3人放寬為5人,有興趣的朋友,別忘了提早預約,大家鬥陣來學英文。 - 02/22/2009
在此很開心的宣佈,本站「免費線上英語課程」教學團隊即將加入一位志工Annie 老師,她是專業的英語老師,目前於國小任教英語課程。Annie老師的第一節課即將於3/5(星期四)晚上07:30至08:30開始,想了解她其他上課時間的朋友們,請密切注意本站的上課課程表,提早預約上課。Annie老師課程的預約規定與目前 Gary的課程一樣,一門課預約人數上限為3個人。但為了使Annie 老師上課時間便於調配,凡是要預約Annie老師課程的同學,煩請於上課日2天前完成預約,例如想預約2/22的課程,請於2/20前完成預約,如於2/21才進行預約,屆時將不受理(即使系統並未管制)。 - 01/25/2009
春節期間,本站於1/29(大年初四)晚上仍有提供免費英文課程,有興趣的朋友們,歡迎上線與我共同來學習討論英文,有關本課程其餘上課時間請參閱課程表(不定期更新)。上一次的Song Time頗獲大家好評,Catherine老師決定讓大家再好好地唱個過癮,訂於2/10(禮拜二)晚上 09:00-10:00,教唱 Michael learns to rock 所演唱的 "That's why you go away",喜愛唱英文歌,或想用輕鬆一點的方式來學英文的朋友們,歡迎於2/10晚上一起加入我們。Song Time課程將不受限於一般課程只開放3人參加之規定,有興趣的朋友,歡迎大家踴躍前往預約。 - 01/04/2009
本(一)月的20日(星期二)晚上09:30-10:30,將試辦輕鬆快樂學英文的Song Time課程,此次要學的歌曲將是 電影「K歌情人」(Music and Lyrics)的主題曲,叫做 Way back into love,相信不少朋友都聽過這首歌曲吧!有興趣用英文歌曲來學英文的朋友,歡迎一起使用Skype加入我們的行列,來個線上卡拉ok 唱翻天,一起開心學英文,記得屆時千萬不要吝嗇展現你的歌喉哦!Song Time課程自即日起開放預約,為了讓更多人參加,本課程將不受限於一般課程只開放3人參加的規定,歡迎大家踴躍前往預約 - 01/01/2009
欲在免費上課時段利用Skype與我進行語音會談的朋友們請注意!為怕教學效果不彰,掌握上課品質,目前暫定每個「免費教學時段」僅開放3個名額,採預約方式進行,預約方式請參照「如何預約本站免費英語課程」一文聊天室不限人數,隨時都可以使用,我週一至週五晚上如果沒事,大約在10:00-11:50間都會登入聊天室,如果你想在聊天室用文字和我聊天的話可多加利用此項服務,完全不需要預約。 - 12/29/2008
12/30是我2008年最後的一個工作天,因為12/31我沒有課也沒有班,所以特別在12/30(星期二)晚上9:00至10:30的時間提供免費英語課程或諮詢,有興趣的朋友們,歡迎用skype與我聊天,或進入本部落格所提供的聊天室! - 12/28/2008目前本項免費課程由站長提供,時間為每週日晚上9時至10時,如成效不錯,將陸續邀請其他英文老師及國外(加拿大、美國、新加坡、馬來西亞、菲律賓等)好友加入本項免費服務,用英文來和大家交朋友!欲了解最新開課時間請點選上面的行事曆。
Calling All English Learners,
Do you want to practice your spoken English? Do you want an experienced English teacher to give you constructive suggestions for improving your English ability? Do you have English questions but you don't know who you can turn to?
Here is a good opportunity for you. It's totally free of charge. Starting from this week, every Sunday from 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., I'll be online to answer your questions and practice English with you via Skype. All you have to do is to click on the Skype icon on the right side of my blog (or the Skype icon on this page) and then you are ready to go.
現在這兒有一個很棒的機會,而且它完全免費。從本週開始,每週日晚上九點至十點,我將在網路上利用 Skype回答你的問題並和你練習講英語。你只需要在本部落格右邊的Skype圖示(或本頁的Skype 圖示)上按一下,即可準備享受此項服務。
Maybe you are wondering why I'm donig this for free? Well, let me put it this way. I love helping people who like English as much as I do. My English wasn't very good 8 years ago. So I exactly know where you are coming from. I've been there, done that. I learned a lot from my teachers and my friends. So it's about time for me to share what I know with people, especially those who are highly motivated to study English. On top of that, I love making friends. Maybe that's what motivates me to start this service.
If there are too many people chatting with me on Skype at the same time, maybe I'll launch a reservation service. For others who can't book the free service in time, the suggestion is to use the chatroom on the website to practice your English with other English learners.
Want to give it a shot? What are you waiting for? Let's chat online and make friends via Skype!
想要嘗試看看嗎?別在苦等了!現在就開始和我利用 Skype聊天交朋友囉!

P.S. If you are also an English teacher or a graduate student majoring in English (or Applied English pr Applied Foreign Languages), you are more than welcome to join me to help people who are eager to study English. All you have to do is to drop me a message or tell me your Skype account and your available time. Let's make a difference!