10/18 Free Online English Class

Dear Class,

People from different cultures have different concepts of punctuality. Even for people influenced by the same culture, the definition of "punctuality" or "being on time" can vary. So, we are going to talk about "being late" in this week's class. Think about the following questions beforehand and feel free to share your views with us in class today.

Q1: Are you a punctual person? Do you often lose track of time?

Q2: If you make an appointment with a friend at 7:00 p.m., when do you usually show up?

Q3: What does “a little late” mean to you? How late is late? Any difference between a date and a meeting?

Q4: Does it annoy you when other people are late?

Q5: If something comes up, or you get held up in traffic, and you know you are going to be late for an appointment, what will you do?

Q6: Do you have any tips for keeping track of time?
- set an alarm clock?
- hire a secretary or ask someone to remind you before an appointment?
- advance the scheduled time or tack on more traffic time?

Here is this week's assignment. Please post your answer to the question below on the forum by October 23.

Q: Are you a punctual person? Do you have any tips for keeping track of time?

If you have any questions, let me know. See you in class today at 9:00 p.m.

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