Generally speaking, an overseas trip starts from an airport. For those who travel overseas frequently without joining a tour group, they probably know the ins and outs of the airport departure procedures. In contrast, for those who don't travel abroad often or those who usually travel with a tour group with the assistance of a tour leader, the departure procedures might be a bit blurry or can be a bit complicated. So, today let me walk you through the airport departure procedures. I believe this will come in handy in the future.
Most Taiwanese depart from Taoyuan International Airport, and the procedures are listed below:
Step 1: 外籍旅客辦理退稅 ( Step 1: Tax refund application)
Step 2: 機場報到劃位 (自助報到) (Step 2: Airport check-in) (Self check-in)
Step 3: 行李託運 (Step 3: luggage check in)
Step 4: 手提行李安檢 (Step 4: Security check)
Step 5: 證照查驗 (Step 5: Immigration; passport control)
Step 6: 免稅商店購物 (Step 6: Duty-free shopping)
Step 7: 登機 (Step 7: Boarding)
Now, let's take a look at an introduction to the departure procedures in Taoyuan International Airport.
然而,以上的順序並非一成不變,有時會有更動。譬如有的機場在未進入機場之前,或是在進入機場之後,在前往「報到櫃檯」之前,你就會看到安檢人員及機器在等著你,此時你就必須要先將「手提行李」及「托運行李」全部放在行李輸送帶上,等它們通過 X 光機檢驗沒問題,你的人也通過「金屬探測器」後沒問題後,你才能順利到達「報到櫃檯」進行 check-in.
However, the departure procedures may not remain the same in every airport. It is not one-size-fits-all. It still varies from airport to airport depending on the policies of the country or the airport. For example, in some airports, you have to go through "security check" before you check in. In other words, before you enter the airport or right after you get into the airport, you have to put your checked baggage and carry-on baggage on the carousel first for X-ray inspection, and you also have to step through a metal detector (scanner). If there is no problem with both of your checked luggage and carry-ons, you can proceed to the check-in counter.
安檢更嚴格的機場,有時除了在 check-in 之前必須「安檢」,在過「證照查驗」前或在「證照查驗後」還會安排一次安檢。而我記得在 911 恐怖攻擊後,許多美國機場也加強安檢措施,連到了「登機門」要上飛機前,也會再進行搜身及檢查「隨身行李」一次。
At some airports with tighter security checks, you might have to go through a "security checkpoint" before or after you clear immigration. Not only that. After the 911 terrorist attacks, in some airports, the security guards will even have your carry-on bags inspected again and frisk you before boarding.
所以下次在國外的機場時,如果你在「進機場前」或 「check-in 前」遇到「安檢」一次 (檢查隨身及託運行李),過「證照查驗前」或「證照查驗後」又遇到一次安檢 (檢查隨身行李),最後登機前再來一次安檢(檢查隨身行李),你會知道這些是正常的程序,雖然因為國家不同而有不同的規定及程序,但可千萬要耐住性子,畢竟愈嚴格的安檢也就代表著飛安愈有保障。
So, what's the worse case scenario? That is you might experience security checks three times before you get on your flight. One happens before you check in, another is carried out before/after you clear immigration, and the other happens before boarding. Now that you understand the various departure procedures, I believe even if the worst case scenario happens to you, you will not make a big deal out of it. Instead, you can take it lightly and stay patient. After all, tighter security checks usually mean better safety.
再來跟大家聊一下「退稅」順序。目前外籍旅客在桃園國際機場出境時,流程是 (1) 先至退稅櫃台辦理退稅; (2) 到航空公司櫃台報到及辦理行李託運。而在韓國的出境流程則不太相同,必須(1) 先至「航空公司櫃檯」報到劃位,取得登機證; (2) 再到海關辦理退稅及託運行李。所以即使是申請退稅的流程都不太相同,視所去的國家而定。有關在台灣退稅的詳細流程,日後將再寫一篇專文跟大家分享,造福一下外籍旅客,敬請期待! 至於國人常去的日本及韓國,雖然退稅流程及相關規定網路上資訊也很多,但我也會找時間整理一下,方便大家閱讀,作為下一次出國的參考資料。
Let's talk about the procedures for tax refund application. In Taoyuan International Airport, you have to go to the tax-refund counter for your application first and then proceed to the check-in counter for your seat assignment and luggage check-in. However, the procedures might be different in another country. For example, in Incheon International Airport in South Korea, you have to report to the check-in counter first and obtain your boarding pass before you can go to the customs to apply for tax refund and check in for your luggage. Maybe this might give you a headache if you don't travel abroad pretty often. All in all, it's not that difficult. What you have to do for tax refund application is basically the same. To help international travelers in Taiwan, I would like to write an article on how to apply for tax refund in Taiwan. Not only that. For Japan and Korea, the two travel destinations which most Taiwanese like, I will also make some time and put all the info together for your reference.
可能有人想了解一下何謂「自助報到」呢? 其實「自助報到」可節省旅客不少時間。目前許多航空公司都有提供「自助報到」的服務,重點就是「取得登機證」。這項工作有的出發前「在航空公司網站」或「航空公司 APP」即可進行,有的則在到達機場時利用「自助報到機」進行,省時又便利,對於沒託運行李的旅客更是方便,因為這樣子就可以直接進入管制區,直接通關了。而對於有託運行李的朋友其實也很方便,因為省去了與大家(尤其是團體行的旅客)排隊的時間,航空公司也常會設專有櫃台讓已經劃位取得登機證的旅客直接辦理「託運行李」的工作,建議這項服務大家其實可以善加利用。詳細流程,改天我再來寫一篇文章跟大家分享吧!
Some of you might be wondering what "self check-in" is. Well, first of all, you have to know "self check-in" is a great services, and it's offered by a lot of airline companies. If you can avail this service, you can save a lot of time without waiting in line. For passengers without any luggage to check, you can get yourself into the immigration in no time. For those of you who have luggage to check, after printing your boarding pass from the "self check-in" machine, usually there is a counter exclusively for travelers who just need "baggage drop". You can say "goodbye" to those passengers with a tour group in a long line at a leisure pace. I'll also write an article on "self check-in" in the future if you like.
Finally, there is one thing you might have to keep in mind when you travel to the Philippines. That is you have to pay "departure tax" after you check in. Without paying the "departure tax" (travel tax; terminal fee) and presenting the receipt, you can not even proceed to immigration. Even if you are an experienced traveler, you might ask what we have to pay "departure tax". Actually, in most countries, this tax has been included in your air fare. However, in the Philippines, as well as in Cambodia before, the "departure tax" is excluded. That's why. However, I do think this is something that can be improved and simplified.
經過今天的說明,不知道大家是否對機場通關的程序有基本的了解了呢? 希望對大家有幫助哦! 如有任何問題,也歡迎大家提出來討論哦!
Do you like this article? Hopefully this article helps you understand better about the departure procedures in an airport. Should you have any questions, just feel free to tell me. I'll be very happy to answer any questions you may have.