
幾個去國外念書回來的朋友,之前問我為什麼現在台灣人會說「這東西不錯吃」、「這樣子沒什麼FU」、「他有很多粉絲」、「在這種氛圍下」這種話,因為之前 大家只說「我東西蠻好吃的」、「這樣子沒什麼感覺」、「他有很多歌(影)迷」、「在這種氣氛下」,不會說「不錯吃」、「FU」、「粉絲」、「氛圍」,因此 可知中文也是不停在演變的語言,要能有效地和人溝通,了解一些新出現的用法也是必要的。



1. chic (adj). 時尚的; 時髦的(= stylish)
You look so chic today.

2. genre (n.) 類別; 種類 (= kind = type)常用於形容音樂或電影的類別
My favorite movie genre is sci-fi movies. What about you?

3. encore (v.n.) 安可(加演的曲目)
Mariah Cereey got an encore and she decided to perform her most popular song, "hero."

4. R.S.V.P. (RSVP) (v.) 確認回覆
Please R.S.V.P. by Thursday.

5. soiree (n.) 派對(常指較正式的派對)
He will throw me a soiree. I hope you can come.

6. deja vu (n.) 似曾相識的感覺 (也是由碧昂絲演唱的一首歌名)
I had a feeling of deja vu. I thinkI might have been to this place before. All things seem so familiar.

7. avant-garde (adj.) 前衛的 (想比別人先一步嘗鮮的) (=cutting edge = innovative)
There are many strategies for advertising. One of it is called "avant garde", which means using the product can put you ahead of others. "Be the first" is the common slogan in the type of advertising.

8. faux pas (n.) 失禮(常指社交上的失禮或不妥)
If you are going to an interview, you'd better dress formally. If you dress casually, it's a faux pas.

9. c'est la vie (= that's life) 這就是人生(別大驚小怪;放輕鬆)
Don't be so upset. There are ups and downs in life.
C'est la vie! Just try again.

10. en route (= on the way) 在…途中(常在新聞中看見此字眼,說明該交通工具的目的的)

His brother died in a small plane crash in Colorado en route to his son's college graduation.

11. force majeure (不可抗力的因素,如各種天災人禍等) 此字眼常在英文契約中出現

12. rendezvous (n. v.) (=appointment) (=make an appointment; meet) 約會;會面;碰面
If you run your mouth and brag about this secret rendezvous, I will hunt you down. (取自Mariah Carey 的 touch my body歌詞)
(2) This is one of the great rendezvous of London for artists.
(3) Let's rendezvous at 5 o'clock. What do you say?


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