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Free English Conversastion Services

Hi, there,

Do you want to practice your spoken English? Do you want an experienced English teacher to give you constructive suggestions for improving your English ability? Do you have English questions but you don't know who you can turn to?


Here is a good opportunity for you. It's totally free of charge. Starting from this week, every Sunday from 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., I'll be online to answer your questions and practice English with you via Skype. All you have to do is to click on the Skype icon on the right side of my blog (or the Skype icon on this page) and then you are ready to go.

現在這兒有一個很棒的機會,而且它完全免費。從本週開始,每週日晚上九點至十點,我將在網路上利用 Skype回答你的問題並和你練習講英語。你只需要在本部落格右邊的Skype圖示(或本頁的Skype 圖示)上按一下,即可準備享受此項服務。

Maybe you are wondering why I'm donig this for free? Well, let me put it this way. I love helping people who like English as much as I do. My English wasn't very good 8 years ago. So I exactly know where you are coming from. I've been there, done that. I learned a lot from my teachers and my friends. So it's about time for me to share what I know with people, especially those who are highly motivated to study English. On top of that, I love making friends. Maybe that's what motivates me to start this service.


If there are too many people chatting with me on Skype at the same time, maybe I'll launch a reservation service. For others who can't book the free service in time, the suggestion is to use the chatroom on the website to practice your English with other English learners.


Want to give it a shot? What are you waiting for? Let's chat online and make friends via Skype!

想要嘗試看看嗎?別在苦等了!現在就開始和我利用 Skype聊天交朋友囉!

For more info or the latest class schedule, please refer to the Latest News section.



Skype Me™!

P.S. If you are also an English teacher or a graduate student majoring in English (or Applied English or Applied Foreign Languages), you are more than welcome to join me to help people who are eager to study English. All you have to do is to drop me a message or tell me your Skype account and your available time. Let's try to make a difference!

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