看影片學英文: Live Like A Real Fan?

雖然情人節剛過,但看到這則短片,讓愛看電影的我不禁思考,下次約會時,我們也許可以營造電影裡面的情節,來個「 007情報員式」的約會,如何? Check it out! (按一下影片下方的 CC,就可以看到中文字幕了哦! 但建議大家先別看英文字幕,看自己聽懂幾分哦!)

Valentin'es Day just passed. Most women might have a fantasy about dating a secret agent just like 007. As a man, I would like to be as cool as James Bond. After watching this short video, it hit me that maybe I can have a 007-secret-agent-style date next time. What do you say? Check this out.

* Live Like A Real Fan: https://youtu.be/doHX3z65EQ8

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